Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week 4 1/2 - Surveymonkey

Do you have any suggestions or feedback for the Stoughton Public Library? If you do, visit our online suggestion box. Prefer paper and pen? You can find our sugggestion box in this format at the front desk as you enter the library.

1 comment:

PandaLibrarian said...

Hi Amy,

Good work on your survey! Do you think that you'll use this (or something like this) at Stoughton? It's nice that you also give the option of pen and paper! One thing you might want to do - if you use the survey for real - is to have a Thank You page and direct people back to the Stoughton Public Library web site. Let me know if you're interested and I can tell you how to do it (it's not obvious in SurveyMonkey).

Keep on Playing!
